This site is now open to all who want it, free to all, help yourself.
If you fell compelled to make a
donation for over 800 cuts of my music,
Paypal a donation by clicking here
Here is what you get:
150 – 60 second professionally high quality royalty free music themes with license to prove to YouTube or anyone you have my permission to use my music for your videos and products.
I wrote this music, performed this music with marketing as my focus from years of scoring music for business. This not some PLR music I bought resale rights to, I would question using music that you don’t know the composer or publisher who is only ones that can grant permission. When you get my music, you know the guy who created it.
Knowing how to use music effectively is more valuable than just file folder full of unrelated mp3 files. Why you get video trainings pulled from my 30 year experience of creating music underscores for commercials, business presentations, and now video sales pages, social media videos and online training videos for sale. The training alone is worth price of admission
I teach you how to pick music and the things to consider to fit music to your message
All the music tracks organized by tempo, feeling and emotion to make underscoring a breeze and easy to fit the them to your video
How to edit, lengthen, loop, and mix music effectively for your videos
How to make a video music slide shows with a video editor
How to make short intros, outros and transitions with an audio editor
What software works are PC, Mac and iPad
Invitation to mastermind webinars to help you with your videos and marketing
and a whole lot more!
Here is brief sample of the types of tracks you will get!
1. olvmdemo2015